quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2008

Rylai - The Cristal Maiden

Rylai trained in Winterspring for years under Raishali, the ancient troll frost mage. Wielding an impressive display of inhibiting magics and a powerful area of effect ultimate spell, Rylai is one of the most powerful casters enlisted by the Sentinel.

Base stats Calculated stats (Level 1)
ACoolB:1.43 [S]
Dmg:17 - 23
HPReg:0.73 [HP/S]
MReg:0.85 [M/S]
AttSpd:0.81 [At/S]
Dmg:38 - 44
DRed:6.92 %
DPS:33.3 [Dmg/S]

Frost Nova Frost Nova
Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 1 100 - 50 target damage and 75 nova damage.
Level 2 130 - 100 target damage and 100 nova damage.
Level 3 155 - 125 target damage and 125 nova damage.
Level 4 185 - 175 target damage and 125 nova damage.

Frostbite Frostbite
Freezes the target in a case of ice, prohibiting movement and attacking. Deals 80 damage per second.
Level 1 115 - Lasts 1.5 seconds.
Level 2 125 - Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 3 140 - Lasts 2.5 seconds.
Level 4 150 - Lasts 3 seconds.

Brilliance Aura Brilliance Aura
Gives additional mana regeneration to nearby friendly units.
Level 1
- Adds 33% mana regeneration.
Level 2
- Adds 67% mana regeneration.
Level 3
- Adds 100% mana regeneration.
Level 4
- Adds 133% mana regeneration.

Freezing Field Freezing Field
Causes many random icy explosions in an area surrounding Rylai. Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 1 300 - Each explosion deals 105 damage.
Level 2 400 - Each explosion deals 170 damage.
Level 3 600 - Each explosion deals 250 damage.

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